Learn from some of the world's best sheepdog handlers/trainers and breeders all understanding the true element of stockmanship or reading stock and dog. This entire content has been compiled over decades by one of the worlds most researched Kelpie experts Bill Robertson, author of "Origins of the Australian Kelpie"

GREG PRINCE - My Way Firm But Fair
Greg was the undisputed, “King of Sheepdog Trainers”. In his domain, he ruled with almost total dominance. His conquests include 16 National Championships and 9 Supreme Australian Championships, not to mention his success winning many State and country championships.
82 minutes.

This program reveals for the first time, the Kelpie’s earliest beginnings and identifies the people and events that created the Kelpie breed. The story includes the Australian wool industry and highlights the amazing contribution the Kelpie breed made in the commercial development of the Australian outback.
54 minutes.